外资(欧美) 少于50人 制药/生物工程 贸易/进出口
外资(欧美) 少于50人 制药/生物工程 贸易/进出口
深圳市康信营养科技有限公司(前加拿大康信药业有限公司深圳代表处)是一家集医药保健品原料、成品及制药机械于一体的,定位于提供营养品行业解决方案的公司。代表处于2005年成立,负责加拿大康信药业(www.honsons.com)在中国的商务联系和供应商管理。公司总部在加拿大多伦多,是首批获HEALTH CANADA GMP认证,拥有多名药学、营养学、天然医学博士和硕士专家的生产厂商。随着公司业务的发展,除了加拿大市场,我司已经把中国优质的营养品和制药设备出口到全球43个国家,主要集中在欧洲,美洲和亚非。 我们的目标是整合国内优质营养品和制药设备资源以服务全球客户,成为一家把'Made in China"品质做到受全球客户尊敬的公司。 公司注重以人为本,尊重每个co-worker的努力,提供柔性的工作方式和舒适的环境,期待有梦想的您的加入。 欢迎观看公司视频介绍 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc3NTE4NzQ5Mg==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.userfeed.5!2~5~5~5!3~5~A Pharmatech Asia Group Ltd, We are a solution provider for finished nutraceutical products and machines. We care health since 1995 from Canada. Our dream is to provide super good solutions with our high quality products, professional support&service, and fast reaction company system to worldwide market. We are doing our efforts to make our customers believe " Made In China" means quality and confidence. Also we do believe company culture is a key for long term success; all of our co-workers and customers are our good friends too. Business success is the result of how people feel your company, your co-worker, your product, and your service. We also would like to provide our co-workers more space and good platform to develop themselves to have a win-wtin solution with company. If you have passion, dream, very interested in our industry, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. For more information, please visit our website at www.pagpharmatech.com Life is so good and so short, let's enjoy it! Everything is possible for those who believe. 员工薪酬与福利: 1. 薪酬组成: 基本工资+绩效工资+奖金 2. 基本福利:五险一金,周末双休,带薪休假,全勤奖,节日福利,员工生日福利,定期体检,员工旅游,员工培训经费补贴,春节交通补贴,重疾保险等。 联系电话:0755-8347 0119-806 Email: annie@pagpharmatech.com 网站: www.pagpharmatech.com